Notice :
Notice-Leave on Durgapuja and Fateha-e-Yajdaham. অফিস আদেশ-শিক্ষর্থীদের ড্রেস কোড সঠিকভাবে প্রতিপালন প্রসঙ্গে নোটিশ- বিকাশ ও নগদের পরিবর্তে Trust Axiata Pay (TAP) এর মাধ্যমে সেমিস্টার এবং অন্যান্য সকল ফি পরিশোধকরণ প্রসঙ্গে Admission Notice : Winter Semester 2024-25 বিএইউএসটি, সৈয়দপুর -এর শিক্ষার্থী প্রতিনিধি নির্বাচনের চূড়ান্ত প্রার্থীতার তালিকা প্রকাশ Office Order- Responsibilities of the AASW Office Order- Dress Code Office Order- Responsibilities of the Adviser of Students’ Welfare Welfare (ASW) An MoU Between Epyllion Group and BAUST Admission Detail Winter 2023-24 জাতির পিতা বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের ১০৩তম জন্মবার্ষিকী উদযাপন ঐতিহাসিক ৭ই মার্চ উপলক্ষ্যে প্রামাণ্যচিত্র প্রদর্শন ও পুরস্কার বিতরণ Admission Detail Winter 2023-24 উইন্টার সেমিস্টার-২০২৩ এর কোর্স রেজিস্ট্রেশন এবং সেমিস্টার ফি পরিশোধ প্রসঙ্গে B.Sc. in IPE is now IEB Accredited Program of BAUST Leave Notice Fateha-E-Yajdaham Waiver & Scholarship of Winter Semester 2022 Waiver & Scholarship of Summer Semester-2021 Agreement with Trust Axiata Pay (tap)

Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST), Saidpur

UGC and Government Approved

Admission Procedure

Finally selected candidates will have to adhere to the following rules and procedures:

  • Candidates have to complete admission formalities within a fixed period of time as decided by admission committee.Any candidate failing to complete admission formalities within the prescribed time will warrant cancellation of selection automatically.
  • Any student failing to attend the class within two weeks of the commencement of the academic program will warrant cancellation of his/her admission and forfeiture of all fees including security deposit.
  • Waiting lists will be prepared and displayed by the admission committee as per merit and be notified as per requirement.

Department Allotment: Departments will be allotted on the basis of individual merit position in the admission test at the end of admission against total vacancies. Individual choice for selection of departments will be given preference as far as possible.

Documents: Following documents are to be submitted during admission:

  1.   Original certificates and transcript of SSC/ Dakhil or equivalent examination.
  2.   Original certificate and transcript of HSC/ Alim or equivalent examination.
  3.   Three copies of recent passport size colored photograph of the candidate duly attested by class-I gazetted officer.
  4.   Character certificate from the head of the last institute attended.
  5.   Nationality certificate from UP Chairman or appropriate authority of Municipality/ City Corporation.

 Additional Documents for Quota Applicants:

  • For the Children of Freedom Fighters original copies of Freedom Fighter certificate of parents, issued by the Ministry of Freedom Fighters Affairs, People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
  • For Tribal Citizen; original certificate as a tribal citizen issued by local UP chairman and countersigned by concerned District Commissioner (DC).
  • For Children of Military Personnel original certificate of authenticity, issued by respective commanding officers (for serving parents); and by CORO/ Naval Secretary/ Air Secretary/ Record Office/ Drafting Office (for retired parents).

Medical Check-up:  All candidates selected provisionally are to undergo medical check-up at BAUST medical center. They will have to submit test reports of
a) Blood group
b) Blood for CBC
c) HBs. Ag
d) Urine R/E
before the BAUST medical authority. The medical authority will decide on the physical fitness of candidates for admission in BAUST.

Guardian’s Consent: In the admission form selected candidates and their parents or guardians have to render consent certificate accepting terms and conditions to be formulated by BAUST authority from time to time.

Online Application Form is here: